Saturday, July 09, 2011

Murals being made, part 7

Three months ago, we showed David Tineo's team painting a new mural in Murals being made, part 2. They were working indoors, painting separate panels that would eventually go onto a frame on the east side of Mountain Avenue. Here's that frame yesterday:

There's not much to look at yet, I know. An artist on the project said this frame is bigger than the last time she saw it. So, if you're driving on Mountain Avenue just north of Glenn in the next few days, look between the trees by the church, near the corner of Adelaide.

(If you see something different, I'd appreciate an email or a phone call -- (520)302-4402 -- to let me know. A photo would be even better!)

Update (May 18, 2012): Part 8 of this “being made” series was posted today.

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